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Urethritis (gonococcal adn non-gonococcal)

Urethritis is an acute inflammation of the urethra, which is caused when Gonococcal characterized as gonococcal and when involving other causative factors as non-gonococcal. It appears as a discharge from the urethra which is purulent or white but quite smelly and usually occurs 24-48h after sexual intercourse.

The diagnosis will be based on urethral swab culture and Gram stain will diagnose whether there is gonococcal or not (at gonococcal urethritis found Gram-grain, N. gonorrheae). The above test should always be accompanied by urinalysis and urine culture to check for possible concomitant infection.

The gonococcal urethritis treated with tetracycline, ciprofloxacin or doxycycline, whereas non-gonococcal with the same medication for several days.