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Why do you need a lifetime medical monitoring of neurogenous bladder?

1. Early diagnosis of any complications (most notably renal function).

2. The picture of neurogenic bladder and required changes early detection of changes in order to amend the rehabilitation program.

3. Often there is a change in social – professional – psychological needs of the individual and a new adaptation of the program.

4. Over the years additional problems appear in old age people such as:

-> In men with an enlarged prostate
-> Postmenopausal women trophic changes of the perineum and urethra
-> General slowness of the person (due to degenerative joint disease, cardiac and respiratory problems, etc.
-> Withdrawal of the individual that might help the paraplegic-quadriplegic.

The treatment of neurogenic bladder is part of the overall recovery of the individual. The successful retraining of individuals in the “handling” of the bladder is actually a project of the rehabilitation team as a whole.

The treatment of micturition disorders in individuals with spinal cord injury requires cooperation between different medical specialties but also the cooperation of doctors with paraplegic or quadriplegic and vice versa.
However as with any treatment so with intermittent catheterization is likely to occur some complications.

1. UTIs

2. aggravation of renal fuction

3. Urethral trauma

4. Lithiasis

5. Epididymitis